Thursday, December 29, 2011

How to make a room cozy

I’ve discovered the trick to making a room more welcoming and comfy. Sure, others have discovered this before me but I live on a budget, and by budget I mean I’m poor. Like every other 20 something I’ve wanted an area rug for my living room, and this Christmas I got just that. Who knew that a new rug could change the feel of a room? A few other tips to make a room warm and cozy are:
·         Throw Pillows and lots of them
·         Blankets and Throws
·         Low lighting
·         Display a book collection
·         Relaxing Decorative pieces (vases, small indoor fountains, etc…)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Now and the Beginning

I'm now engaged and I always thought I wanted a long engagement. But now I'm re-thinking that whole idea. I have already started looking into destinations and venues. I’ve been with Kevin for four years now, and at this point I don’t think a long engagement is necessary. I’m excited for this next step in my life and getting married to my best friend.

I first saw him the fall semester of 2007. I believe the class was Physical Science. I remember seeing him walk in and immediately noticed him. His piercing and tattoos caught my eye. He was cute in plaid shorts and orange polo (I don’t know if this was his outfit I first saw him in, but I do remember this outfit very vividly).

He sat towards the back of the class and I sat in the front, and we never got a chance to speak to him. I just know I always tried to catch his eye when he walked in. A month passed and still neither of us said a word to the other, we just kept glancing at one another. I decided to hunt him down on Facebook, and at the time I had no idea what his name was. Consequently we were both friends with someone from the same class. I added him hoping he would respond, and he did. We started talking on Facebook, which led to texting, which then led to our first date...

Monday, December 26, 2011

The day after Christmas

It's the day after Christmas, and today was dedicated to going through gifts and cleaning the clutter.

I recieved a pretty good haul this year I must say. The best present would have to be from my boyfriend, or shall I say fiancé. The day before Christmas Eve Kevin gave me my gift.

More to come with full engagement details, plus wedding details once I figure them out.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lights and Dogs

With treats in hand I tried to get a good picture of Steve and Chuck next to the lights. After many blurred shots I finally got a few that were good :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Driving and Cute Faces

I went for a drive...

To see this cute face...

Then I came home to these cute faces...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Cheer

Its that time again, and no I'm not talking about the holly jolly days. It's finals, and today I started on my list of things that make me cry, and so I cried...but just for a moment. I'm sure I'll have another mini freak out tomorrow.

My Christmas cheer is at about a 2 right now, it just don't feel like Christmas yet. I have a tree up but it's a embarrassing mess. No ornaments, and only the bottom role of lights work. The boyfriend did try to spruce it up for the time being. Master Chief would be proud

Monday, December 5, 2011


I'm Deidrea, the boyfriend is Kevin, and the four-legged children are Steve and Chuck. Blogging life and all that comes with it. Enjoy!