Thursday, April 18, 2013

New Critters

I feel like I have been hibernating for the past few weeks, only getting out when I absolutely had too. So ready for the warm weather and this miserable sickness to go away! Sure, I could have went to the doctor but everyone sane person does that. I like to tough it out, and cure myself with home remedies and over the counter drugs. That makes for a better story and others tell me they go to the doctor when ever they feel a cold coming...pssssh what wimps haha. 

Since my last post there have been a couple new members added to the family. One I might add was completely unexpected thanks to the mister who apparently could not control himself when he seen this little mustache kitty at Pet Smart. Meet Stache, also known as cat, and kitty cat. Seriously, do cats ever learn their name? 

I adopted this little bundle of annoyance 


We had to give her a person like we did Steve, so this is Amy. House training is absolutely the worst but we are making progress, and her screaming at night in her crate is getting tolerable. We have only had her a couple of nights so I'm hoping she starts to get use to her new bed. Puppies are so much like toddlers. I'm either having to watch her every move to make sure  shes not getting into something or calling her by name or saying "No, drop that". Ah, the joys of puppy hood...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What To Do With Cabinet Doors

I've had a thing for cabinet doors and was amazed at all of the things someone could make with just a simple door. I found a few cabinet doors at my local peddlers mall and with some other purchases I was able to make three very cute decorative and functional pieces.

The first thing I made was this door with a owl hook. Very cute and chic, but so easy and affordable to make!




The materials used were:
  • Sky Blue spray paint
  • Vintage white spray paint
  • Hardware and drill
  • Measuring tape
  • Cast iron owl hook
This piece would be perfect for a girls room to hang jewelry or scarves. It would also just be a nice decorative piece to sit on a shelf or entryway.

I also have to mention that the Mr. was in charge of the power tools but I had the vision. The tool and the vision...hehe. He was super helpful and I couldn't have done these projects without him!

To see a full description or buy click here!

This door was turned into a chalkboard/storage hanger. It would be perfect for almost any room where you need to write notes and hang small items. I thought this would look nice in a bathroom for hanging towels or in the kitchen. 




The materials used were:
  • Cabinet Door 
  • Sky Blue spray paint
  • Hooks (bought from Lowes)
  • Chalkboard paint
 If you would like to see a full description or buy visit the link!

One plain cabinet door painted a vintage white with a few antique knobs. Very cute! I just love the peach color and this is perfect for any girls room. It has that shabby chic look which I love and is functional. Perfect for hanging jewelry, towels or what ever tickles your fancy.



Materials used:
  • Vintage white paint
  • Sandpaper ( to distress the corners)
  • Antique glass knobs (found on eBay)
  • Hardware for knobs
  • Drill
Again if you would like to see a full description or buy visit the link

Monday, April 15, 2013

For The Love Of Gatlinburg

Do you have that one spot that you don't mind to visit over and over again? It don't matter how many times you've been there, you just can't wait to go back! For me that place is Gatlinburg, TN and the  mister and I just got back from another visit. We try to go every year and for the past five years we have managed to do just that. A couple of times we made to this little nest below the mountains twice! The fact that it only takes four hours to get there makes this place a perfect little getaway and it's pretty affordable. We skip out on all the touristy attractions which saves us a lot of money , and we stick to what is free.
Not only relaxing but the perfect place to take photos, and folders upon folders full of them!






Friday, April 12, 2013

DIY Storage Can

Who would have thought a soup can and some glass pebbles could make a cute little storage container. I first intended this project to go in my bathroom to either hold toothbrushes or my make-up brushes, but found another use for it on my desk holding my pens.


The cost of this DIY project was super cheap and super easy. All my materials were bought at Wal-Mart, and can be found in the craft section. Except the soup can. You can use any type of can, big or small. It's all up to you and how big you want your little storage container to be.
Materials needed:
  • Any size can, label removed.( I used a Progresso soup can. Make sure to clean it, by soaking it in hot soapy water. Soupy cans stink, and no one wants to smell that)
  • Adhesive spray or mod podge    
  • One sheet of white printer paper. You can also use scrapbook paper if you like.
  • Vintage white paint. (This is optional. I used this to paint my piece of printer paper)
  • Hot glue gun and sticks of glue
  • Glass pebbles
-Once you have your can cleaned and ready to go cover the outside with your paper. You will probably have to cut and measure your paper to the right size so it will fit on your can. Spray the adhesive spray onto the paper and then apply  to the can. Let dry for a couple of minutes.
- Next, one by one take your pebbles and apply a small amount of hot glue and place on the can. Watch your fingers you will get burned. Anytime hot glue is in the mix my fingers suffer.
There you have it! I admit it does take some time but the end results are worth it. 


Moving On

I've been looking and contemplating on whether or not to add another dog to the family. About two months ago we lost one furry baby, Chuck.


He suffered from epilepsy and was on seizure medication. I'm not sure what went wrong, and if I lived near an emergency vet clinic I may have been able to help him. At 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning he started seizing and they just wouldn't let up. For at least an hour I sat with him in the kitchen floor trying everything I could, but it just wasn't enough. 
I just recently started looking for puppies up for adoption but in the back of my mind something keeps telling me it's too soon. Its  hard to explain. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has faced these same thoughts if they have lost a dear pet? I still miss him and even as I write this my heart aches. I don't want it to seem like I'm replacing one pet for another. Even Steve, our other dog grieved. For weeks he lost his appetite and acted as though he was looking for his friend. Which I'm sure he was. 

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All iphone pics as of june 2012 1161
My fiancĂ© and I are just dog lovers, and I'm sure if we didn't live in an apartment, we would have more. Their more loyal and compassionate than most humans I know. Whoa this is going into a doggy rant. Yay dogs, boo humans! But seriously, it is hard to get that normal feeling back, and it's hard to ignore the absence. 
It's so easy to get attached, and so hard to let them go.